Project Management in the Church Let's start at the beginning

Let's start at the beginning

There is much scope for improvement in Project Management; poorly defined projects, high cost, people in conflict, very late finish, have all been common experiences. This is true both inside and outside the Church. Although we are made in the image of a Creator God, and derive much satisfaction from creative achievement, our efforts rarely reflect the good examples set in the Bible, or use the good advice found there.
This short outline provides a pattern for good Project Management. Space dictates this can only be a superficial treatment. However, consideration of the aspects raised should give pointers to the priorities that you may need to address in your Project.


To give an overview of a whole Project Management Process
To give key pointers for each phase of the process
To give reference to further / detailed information

What is a Project ?
Projects are initiated to bring about change; to attain a desired end result.
A wide definition might be: "Any undertaking with a defined starting point and defined objectives by which completion is identified " In basic terms a Project starts, resources are expended, objectives are met and it finishes. Almost all controlled change can be considered in Project terms.

What is Project Management ?
The Project Management Institute defines it as :- "The art of directing and co-ordinating human and material Resources throughout the life of a Project by using modern management techniques to achieve predetermined Objectives of Scope, Cost, Time, Quality and participant satisfaction."
Whilst some project tools may be modern, the fundamental practices remain constant. The simplest definition for Project Management is GOOD STEWARDSHIP and this approach applies to the WHOLE Project Management process.

This module outlines a 5 stage Project Management Process to give a sound structure on which to develop successful projects.

Phase 1 - A need for change - Identify the Opportunity
Phase 2 - Brainstorm ideas - Select alternatives
Phase 3 - Choose the best - Develop the chosen alternative(s)
Phase 4 - Do it ! - Execute the Project
Phase 5 - Use it & Check it's working - Effect change and Evaluate

PRAYER is fundamental throughout each stage of the process

Most people concentrate on phase 4 - Do it - which will almost guarantee that too little is done, too late in the life of the Project to effectively control the Project. At best, it will be only partially successful. Use of the whole Process will ensure best efforts towards success.

Each phase needs to be completed with a plan for the next phase.
Each phase needs approval by the appropriate Person / Body to proceed to the next phase.


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